Personal Branding: Why It's Not About You—It's About Them
When most people think about personal branding, they often assume it revolves around the individual representing the brand. It’s not uncommon to hear statements like, “I hate talking about myself,” or “I don’t enjoy being the centre of attention.” These sentiments are understandable, but they stem from a fundamental misconception about what personal branding truly is.
The Common Misconception: Personal Branding as Self-Promotion
The idea that personal branding is synonymous with self-promotion is one of the most prevalent myths out there. Yes, your personal brand will feature your face, your voice, and your story. But here’s the key point: your personal brand isn’t actually about you. It’s about the people you’re trying to serve with your products or services.
In essence, personal branding is not about putting yourself in the spotlight for the sake of being seen. It’s about positioning yourself as a trusted guide who helps your audience solve their problems, achieve their goals, and fulfil their needs.
You Are the Messenger, Not the Message
When I work with clients on developing their personal brand, one of the first things I tell them is: “We’re going to be talking about you a lot, but don’t get it twisted—this brand is not about you.” What do I mean by that?
Think of yourself as the messenger, the conduit through which your audience will learn, grow, and succeed. Your personal brand should serve as a bridge between your expertise and your audience’s needs. By sharing your knowledge, experiences, and insights, you provide value that resonates with your audience, making their journey easier and more successful.
Why a Self-Centred Brand Is Not a Strategic Business Decision
The moment your personal brand becomes all about you, it ceases to be a strategic business decision and turns into something far less effective: a self-centred indulgence. A personal brand that focuses solely on self-promotion can alienate your audience, diminish your credibility, and ultimately hinder your business growth.
Instead, the most effective personal brands are those that put the audience first. They understand that the true purpose of personal branding is to serve others, to create connections, and to build trust. When you focus on delivering value to your audience, you naturally position yourself as a leader in your field, someone who is genuinely interested in helping others succeed.
How to Build a Personal Brand That Puts Your Audience First
Building a personal brand that prioritises your audience doesn’t mean you have to shy away from sharing your story. On the contrary, your experiences and insights are crucial elements of your brand. However, they should always be shared with the intent of offering value to your audience.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
1. Identify Your Audience's Needs: Before crafting your brand, take the time to understand the needs, challenges, and desires of your audience. What are they struggling with? What solutions are they looking for? Your brand should be built around answering these questions.
2. Provide Actionable Value: Share content that offers practical advice, insights, and solutions that your audience can apply to their own lives or businesses. Whether it’s through blog posts, social media updates, or videos, your content should always aim to educate and empower your audience.
3. Be Authentic, But Strategic: Authenticity is key, but it must be coupled with strategic communication. Share aspects of your personality and experiences that align with your brand’s message and the needs of your audience. Remember, you are the guide—not the hero of the story.
4. Engage with Your Audience: Building a personal brand isn’t a one-way street. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, participating in discussions, and soliciting feedback. This not only helps you stay connected with your audience but also builds trust and credibility.
Still not sure if a Personal Branding Strategy is for you?
I’ve created a FREE Personal Brand Readiness Assessment that will help you work out the answer to that exact question!